I've been living in my home for almost 5 years. I know most of my neighbors. We have a talk-over-the-fence relationship mainly. I think everyone is so busy with their jobs and families and making sure they can pay their bills that it's not the block party/kids riding trikes in the street/game night at the neighbors kind of place, really. Or maybe it's just ME and these are my excuses. But to try and get the holiday spirit going around the neighborhood, I decided to try out a neighbor treat sharing experiment. Halloween is right around the corner, and we have lots of kids in our neighborhood, so what better way to share the neighborly love than to start a
You've Been Booed in our neighborhood?? I looked up the wording I wanted and made my own signs using Silhouette Studio software. I hope no one in my neighborhood sees this, or they'll know I started this! But then again, no one in my neighborhood will ever read this, ha ha. I really hope people keep this going. How fun would it be to slowly see all these
BOO! signs appearing in windows of homes throughout our streets?? If anything, two families are getting some yummy treats tonight. And I can feel like I did a little to do my part.
Here are more ghoulish delights from me!